Size: 9.07 GB
Supergirl - Red Daughter of Krypton (Story Arc) (2014) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Supergirl v1 (001-010) (1972-1974)
Supergirl v2 (001-023) (1982-1984) (digital)
Supergirl v3 (001-004) (1993-1994) (digital)
Supergirl v4 (001-080+Extra) (1996-2003)
Supergirl v5 (000-067+Annuals) (2005-2011)
Supergirl v6 (000-040) (2011-2015) (Digital) (Empire)
Variant Covers

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Supergirl - Red Daughter of Krypton (Story Arc) (2014) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Supergirl v1 (001-010) (1972-1974)
Supergirl v2 (001-023) (1982-1984) (digital)
Supergirl v3 (001-004) (1993-1994) (digital)
Supergirl v4 (001-080+Extra) (1996-2003)
Supergirl v5 (000-067+Annuals) (2005-2011)
Supergirl v6 (000-040) (2011-2015) (Digital) (Empire)
Variant Covers
This collected upload serves as a digital update to the original Supergirl collection posted by Joshua13 - the original contained less than a handful of digital issues - I think the main volume issues in this are upwards of 70% digital copies - Enjoy.
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