This is a cleaned-up release of Pixologic ZBrush 4R7 P3 with ZBridge.
For Windows and (for first time on CG Peers) for Mac OS X.
Why another ZBrush 4R7 torrent?
Before this release...
a) There were numerous ZBrush 4R7 installers, patch 3 (P3) solutions, ZBridge cracks, ZBrush keygens, and portable versions.
All very scattered, and all very confusing. This is the complete release, once and for all.
b) The installation instructions were all just as scattered and confusing.
Poorly-written instructions can and do leave many people confused.
Once and for all, I've simplified all the installation instructions.
I've also provided a step-by-step video, for people who prefer visual guidance through the installation process.
c) There was no ZBrush 4R7 torrent for Mac OS X version, as of yet.
This release provides both the Mac OS X installer and crack, as well as instructions for unlocking P3 for Mac.
d) There is a surprising amount of people who have yet installed ZBrush 4R7 as of yet, due to the reasons.
I've created this to help even those people, as well as anyone who might need to re-download ZBrush 4R7 in the future. (Just as I recently did, after my main computer died.)
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