Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 WIN 64

New major version. Thanks SamuRa1 for file. Installed WIN 7 64 bit no problems at all. New version maybe expect a few bugs here and there.
No wait between links. Start 2 or 3 at once no problem.

Organic 3D particle effects, complex motion graphics elements and more (New!)
Immortal Particle Grids and 3D Objects (New!)
3D geometries animated along a path
3D Surfaces, Terrains and Wireframes in After Effects
Ultra-fast, 3D light ray effects
After Effects Lights Made Visible
Organic 3D Shapes and Lines from your masks
Instantly clone and offset animated layers
Stylized glints and glows for motion graphics and text
Instant Audio-driven Motion Graphics in After Effects
Infinite Backgrounds for After Effects 3D

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